Chichime Cays(San Blas Islands)

09° 35.25 N   078° 52.88 W

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3 - 5 November 2007

Two men paddling out to greet us at what was to be our final anchorage in the Kuna Yala, Chichime Cays.

This was their home. The Kuna were wonderful to us, gentle and kind, they asked for so little, and allowed us to share their home for a while.

As usual, we spent our time in the water, here a school of Yellow Goatfish ( Mulloidichthys martinicus.) surround their reef.

Spotfin Butterflyfish. (Chaetodon ocellatus)

This little fish joined us, and swam close to us seeking shelter. We cannot identify it, and will have to spend some time on

Then it joined Laura, and if she swam really fast, it would ride the pressure wave just in front of the mask. Here Laura sprints to demonstrate.

Normally difficult to photograph, these shy Foureye Butterflyfish (Chaetodon capistratus) ganged up to say goodbye.

Finally we had to say good bye to the San Blas. Arguably the best place we have cruised. A Basque friend of ours summed it up like this; "There are two types of cruising, Pre-San Blas and Post San Blas, because by this, everything will now be measured" (Thanks Jose-Mari)