Aridup (San Blas Islands)

09° 21.95 N   078° 15.50 W

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20 to 24 September 2007

This is a Kuna Hotel. You can fly in to the Kuna Yala and experience this first hand, try as a start.

A view of the mainland coast of Panama as we sailed between the resort and the coast.

When negotiating the reefs and coral heads, a good vantage point in good light is important. We have a remote control that allows us to steer Gilana from up here too.

An Ulu with a sail made from some advertising banner.

Classic tropical island pictures.

Underwater the reefs were teeming with fish.....


...and crustacea.

A study of one of the many Jellyfish.

Even the near surface "apparently dead" coral that has suffered wave action hides...

...a Blenny.

Here I investigate the entrance to a cave, waiting for my eyes to acclimatise to the dark....

...I saw this shaft of light into the dark spotlighting the school of tiny neon fish. I returned to the surface to ask Liz to photograph what I had seen and this is the photo.

Another one.

Laura and I went out trolling for fish one evening. We caught nothing.

The above three taken while fishing that evening.