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14 March - 17 April 2008

We arrived in Roatan to meet our friends and tour their property. Before they arrived we went to do internet at the nearby Fantasy Island Resort (Mallorquin owned) and Liz started monkeying around.

She only fed them Fruit Juice

Some of the tourists gave them alchoholic beverages, it was most unfair.

There were many Ougouti in the hotel grounds.

The kinkajou, (Potos flavus), (Thank you Claude)

When Darlene and Kim arrived, we went to survey their property (in the background) here we were taking soundings off the beach, it was surprisingly deep. Reminded me of my earlier days on the SAS Protea.

Darlene, Kim and Laura, following one of the rivers.

...and sharing jokes.

It started pouring with rain, and there was only one, well, ok, two dry places to put the camera. :)

Ms. Machete, on patrol.

Buttress roots almost appear bronzed.

Too soon they had to leave, and Liz found another OWD student, Rick from the USA.

Clearly he enjoyed his course.

While the divemaster tried to herd his group from the boat.

Hmmmm, not sure, could be a Graysby, relative of Groupers and Seabass.

Rick looks down a sponge.

..and the rest of the troops are herded back to the diveboat.

Indigo Hamlet(Hypoplectrus indigo)

Coming back from booking Liz's flight to Mallorca to seek employment.

Not really smiling as the realisation sinks in that we will be without her wonderful company soon.

We spent our last day doing what we love most. Snorkeling together...

...and going down to 50 ft to play with the Scuba Divers....

...and come back to the light.

The next day it was to the airport. Liz has decided to continue her career in the Yachting Industry. We have supported her decisions, and we once again wish her all the best in her endeavours.

She has matured a lot in the last two years, but still she is "Dada's girl" I, on the other hand, felt decidedly sick to have to say goodbye again. We cannot stand in her way.

Check-in time, and thanks to our very fine friends David and Jill in Palma for offering Liz hospitality in their wonderful home on board MV Souris Rose in Club de Mar.

Back in the anchorage I had to keep busy, and found a job atop the 110' carbon mast of a friends yacht, another Van de Stadt "Blue Dawn"

Took this pic of Gilana from the top.

After Liz left, we went to the little zoo at Fantasy Island Beach Resort. A very nice place. Toucan.

Inquisitive monkey.

Lazy Iguana.

Cute...and we were getting ready to make way to West Palm Beach, having decided to return to Europe. We also heard about a young couple who wanted to crew / hitch a ride back to the USA. So Matt and Kori joined us for the trip.